Saturday, 14 November 2009

Do Not Sleep On Your Stomach!

Whilst sleeping there are four postures one can adopt:

1- To sleep one’s stomach.

It is mentioned in a hadeeth that this position is the sleep of Shaytan i.e he who sleeps this way his sexual desires are aroused and Shaytan can then mislead him into sin.
A companion (RadhiyAllaahu Anhu) narrated: “Once while I was lying on my stomach in the mosque, a man moved me with his foot and said, "This is a position which Allah hates."

He said, "I looked up and it was the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace."     [Abu Dawud]

2- Sleeping flat on the back.

3- Sleeping on the left hand side.

One should abstain from this because in this condition the heart becomes negligent.

4- Sleeping on the right side with the right hand under the cheek.

This is the Sunnah position. In this position one is not negligent and it will be easy for him to wake up.

“When a Mu’min (believer) acts according to the Sunnah (tradition) of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), each such deed carries a light with it which illuminates and enlightens the heart of its doer”

Right Foot First

Aisha (RA) narrated:  “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to like to start from the right side on wearing shoes, combing his hair and cleaning or washing himself and on doing anything else”  (Bukhari)                                                                   


The renowned Moulana Ilyas rahmatullahi alaih was in the final stage of his life when he indicated to those around him that he required their assistance to remove his socks. He was at the time unable to speak and was communicating by gestures.

As the people tried to remove his socks, he would however draw his legs back and indicate towards something. This cycle took place a number of times. As a result the people called the Moulana’s son, Moulana Yusuf (rh) to help them.

Upon arrival Moulana Yusuf was informed of the situation. He asked the people to show him how they were trying to remove his father’s socks. Upon observation, Moulana Yusuf noticed that they were trying to remove his father’s socks from the right foot first.

Moulana Yusuf was well aware of his father’s adherence to the Sunnah and immediately understood that his father wanted his left sock removed first (sunnah method). Thus it was only when his left sock was removed first and then his right that he lay back with ease.”

Friday, 13 November 2009

Not a Pop Star Leading My Way

As a Christian boy growing up in the suburbs of New York City, like so many, I used to plaster pictures of my favorite sports and pop stars all over my bedroom walls. For years, I woke up every day to the smiling, air-brushed faces of Michael Jordan, Van Helen, Andre Agassi and many others.

At that stage in my life, these superstars who adorned my walls were special to me. For through their God-given talents, I was drawn to my personal conception of human excellence.
Though the excellence they represented was in specific physical, and some might say trivial endeavors, their stardom magnified in me a burgeoning desire to explore and unlock my own human potential…

As fond as I was of my heroes, looking back, I now realize that my admiration of them was my way — reflective of cultural influences perhaps — of meeting the need for models on the path to self-actualization. For whether we realize it or not, we all seek examples of greatness as a means to unlocking our own.

A Universal Teacher of True Humanity
So just how is it that a young, white, middle-class Christian-American man such as the present author and others like me could come to embrace an 'ancient' Arab figure as his ultimate role model and guide for living?
Muhammad (peace be upon him), as I began learning over eight years ago, represents all that is good about being human.

'Stuck in time', 'archaic', 'stone-aged', and 'backward' are some of the terms used to describe Muslims because of their stubborn reverence for a man who lived over 1,400 years ago and who continues to inspire the hearts and souls of so many.
To Muslims, he is not the embodiment of greatness due to his worldly accomplishments, but rather because he represents the highest attainment of God-given human potential; a potential that lies hidden within us all.

Mahatma Gandhi once said:

I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind.... I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission…”
(A statement published in Young India, 1924)

Guidance to Human Perfection
By loving Muhammad and by following his well-documented example, we express our desire to be the best that we can be, to achieve intimacy with Allah, through none other than being complete human beings. For by being such, we will fully embrace our role and purpose in the Divine order of Creation.

Living in Muhammad's footsteps is a life of meaning, purpose, direction and continuous progress; for to achieve our human potential, we need examples.
We all need a guiding light, one that can be termed "complete" if not in an absolute sense (that we must reserve for God Himself), then at least in a human sense.

Someone said to the Prophet, "Pray to God against the idolaters and curse them." The Prophet replied, "I have been sent to show mercy and have not been sent to curse." (Muslim)
Rather than making enemies, Muhammad's way was to make allies.

"What actions are most excellent? To gladden the heart of human being, to feed the hungry, to help the afflicted, to lighten the sorrow of the sorrowful, and to remove the sufferings of the injured."
{Sahih Bukhari}

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

'Aalimah Course Syllabus

Click to view: Complete Teaching Plan


‘Aalimiyyah course is studied over a span of five years, in which students make graded progress through Tafseer (translation and exegesis of the Holy Quran), Ahadith (teachings of the Prophet SAW), the Traditional Islamic Sciences of Fiqh (Islamic legal system), and ‘Aqaaid (Islamic belief system). 

Subsidiary subjects include Arabic Language, Classical Arabic literature, Seerah, Tajweed (Quranic pronunciation), Memorization of some surahs of the Quran, Uloomul-Qur’an, Usoolul-Fiqh and Usoolul-Ahadith.


The syllabus is mainly based on the Ad-Dars un-Nizami of the renowned scholar Mulla Nizamuddin Shadhid 1161AH/1747 CE. This program was and still being employed worldwide. Modifications have been made to accommodate the Shafi’i Fiqh.

The medium of instruction shall be Arabic and English. 

Nazirah – Preparatory Class

Main Subjects (Written)
مفتاح القرآن 
سفينة النجاء
قصص النبيّين (الجزء الأول)
Arabic Literature
الأخلاق والاداب
Bedtime Series 
English Literature
Additional & Oral Subjects
حفظ القران  
Al Qur’an Memorisation
تلاوة القران
Al Qur’an Recitation
حفظ الأحاديث
Hadith Memorisation
تعليم  الأخلاق
Akhlaaq & Tasawwuf
السنة و الأدعية
Sunnah & Dua
Arabic Conversing Skill
الخط والإملاء
Writing & Dictation
النحو تطبيقاً
 Grammar Application

Ulaa – First Year
Main Subjects (Written)
زاد الطالبين
المبادئ الفقهيّة (الجزء الأول و الثانى)
تسهيل العقائد
Islamic Beliefs
تسهيل التاريخ (الجزء الأول إلى الرابع)
تسهيل الصرف
Sarf (Arabic Etymology)
النحو الواضح (الجزء الأول و الثانى)
Nahw (Arabic Grammar)
النحو و الصرف في القواعد العربية
قصص النبيّين (الجزء الأول)
Arabic Literature

Thaniyah – Second Year
Main Subjects
ترجمة القرآن 
رياض الصالحين
الياقوت النفيس
الجواهر الكلامية 
Islamic Beliefs
عقائد الإسلام
تسهيل التاريخ (الجزء السابع)
علم صرف
Sarf (Arabic Etymology)
النحو الواضح (الجزء الثاني و الثالث)
Nahw (Arabic Grammar)
توضيح النحو
قصص النبيّين (الجزء الثالث)
Arabic Literature
الطريقة العصريّة (الجزء الثالث)

Thalithah – Third Year
Main Subjects
تفسير القرآن ١
Al Qur’an Commentary
تفسير القرآن ٢
الفقه المنهجي
التقريرات السديدة
جواهر الكلامية
Islamic Beliefs
تسهيل التاريخ
توضيح النحو
Nahw (Arabic Grammar)
علم الصرف
Sarf (Arabic Etymology)

Rabi'ah - FourthYear
Main Subjects (Written)
مشكاة المصابيح ١ 
مشكاة المصابيح ٢ 
منهج النقد في علوم الحديث
Principles of Hadith Commentary
فقه المنهجي ١
فقه المنهجي ٢
مختصر منهاج القاصدين 

Note: Khamisah - Fifth Year commences in 2016

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Fear Allah Wherever You Are!

( Ad-Durr ul-Manthur )

Once Hadrat Abdullah ibni Umar ra was travelling out of Madinah. A few servants accompanied him. At the time of meal, they sat down to eat. A shepherd, grazing his sheep, passed by. Ibn Umar ra invited him for meal. He said "I'm fasting"

Ibni Umar ra remarked, "You're fasting whereas it is such a hot day? Hot wind s are blowing and you are in the dessert!" He answered, " I'm making valuable my life of this world"

There after Ibn Umar ra tested him, " Do you wish to sell a goat? We'll pay you it's price. After slaugtering we will give you some meat that you can eat for iftar (breaking fast). The shepherd said "These goats are not mine.These are my master's goats."

Ibn Umar ra said "How will your master know? Tell him a wolf ate it." The sheperd pointed to the sky and exclaimed " فأين الله ? ' (where has Allah gone?) Ibn Umar ra in astonishment and with relish continously repeated " A shepherd has said فأين الله ? فأين الله ?

The Sick Lion

Mufeedut Taalibin
A lion, no longer able to get food by force, determined to do so by cunning. He lay down inside a cave and pretended to be sick, and when any other animals came into the cave to inquire about his health, he pounced on the them and ate them.
Many lost their lives, till one day a fox came and suspecting the truth, called the lion from outside instead of going in. The fox asked " How are you oh Leader Of The Wild?" The lion said that he was very ill. "But....."said the lion, "why do you stand outside?"
"I would have not done so...." answered the fox, " If I hadn't seen all the footprints leading into the cave but none coming out".
MORAL : Be observant and intelligent in order to be successful!

The Stingy Man

Translated by: Ato Farok (Student)

Once a visitor came to a stingy man while there was a loaf of bread and a bowl of honey infront of him. The stingy man took away the bread and intented to take away the honey but he thought that the visitor would not eat the honey without bread.
So he said to the visitor, " Do you think you'll eat the honey without the bread?"
The visitor replied "Yes", and he started to partake one spoon of honey after another.
The stingy man said, " By Allah my brother! Don't you know that a lot of honey can burn the heart?"
The visitor replied, " You're right, but not my heart, your heart".

MORAL : Stingyness is a disgraceful trait!

Friday, 1 May 2009

Rasulullah Seorang Remaja

Imam Hakim telah meriwayatkan satu hadith sahih dimana Rasulullah SAW menceritakan perihal kehidupan remaja Baginda. Sabda Baginda SAW : 

" Hanya dua kali pernah ku cuba untuk melakukan perkara yang biasanya dilakukan pada zaman Jahiliyah. Pada kedua-dua kalinya Allah swt telah menyekat aku daripada melakukannya.
Pada suatu malam, aku telah menyuruh sahabatku untuk menjaga kambing-kambingku supaya dapat aku pergi ke kota Mekah dan berbual mesra di waktu malam seperti para pemuda lain. Tibanya aku di kota Mekah, aku dapati di rumah yang pertama irama musik sedang didendangkan. Lalu aku pun bertanya "Apakah ini?" Jawab mereka, " Perkahwinan sedang berlangsung". Aku pun duduk untuk mendengar. Akan tetapi Allah swt telah menutup telingaku, lantas aku tertidur hingga ke siang. Aku pun kembali kepada sahabatku dan menceritakan kepadanya apa yang telah berlaku.
Pada malam yang lain, aku pergi lagi ke kota Mekah atas tujuan yang sama. Sekali lagi aku alami seperti peristiwa malam yang pertama. Selepas itu, aku tidak lagi cuba untuk melakukan perkara yang buruk."

Sebagai seorang manusia, Rasulullah saw mempunyai keinginan untuk berseronok seperti remaja-remaja lain, akan tetapi Allah swt telah menyelamatkan Baginda saw daripada keseronokan yang melalaikan. Sebagai gantinya, Allah swt telah mengurniakan Baginda saw keseronokan yang tiada tolok bandingnya....
kemanisan iman dan kenikmatan beribadat !
Begitu juga setiap orang yang menahan diri dari mengikut keinginan yang salah. Firman Allah swt dalam surah Ar-Rahman ayat 46: " Dan disediakan bagi mereka yang takutkan hari berdirinya mereka dihadapan Allah, dua Syurga"
Syurga di dunia dan syurga di akhirat....
(Moulana Umair)

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

It's Us Against Ourselves!

If you ask anyone who are the enemies of Islam, amongst the famous answers that you will get are America,Israel or some might say Bush. Yes!it is undeniable that the power of media over here in Malaysia is very strong. We manage to portray the disbelievers as bad, and we branded them as our enemies.

Our hearts were torn out when we saw our brothers and sisters covered in blood. Tears flooded our eyes when we hear about our brothers ans sisters were homeless. Anger rage in our hearts. We thought to ourselves that we would do anything to save our brothers and sisters, right? But did we really do anything? How do we show our feelings? By taunting our Muslim sisters who dress modestly? And when our Muslim sisters imitating the disbelievers by wearing barely anything, we call it fashionable and liberating?? Or is it by reprimanding our workers to shave off their beard because it is not part of the dress code while you spare the Sikh man of their turban? In the battle of Badr, Nabi SAW blessed teeth were injured, Hadrat Uwais Qarni RA uprooted ALL his teeth for he had no indentification of which tooth were wounded.

This was the faith and Imaan of the Sahaabah RA that we have to imply in our lives.
We should stand up for our religion. Do not allow the disbeliever to manipulate us and tell us what is right or wrong. Remember the disbelievers are strong because they are united. The infidels, the rebels of Allah Ta'ala are great in number. This is the reason they would not like you to speak of Haq(truth) and call them towards Allah.
The disbelievers will carry on instigating the masses of the world. They want the whole world to deny the existence of ALLAH, a direct fight against ALLAH.

Let us all not help them in their course. Remember we are Muslims! We are the slaves of ALLAH and not the slaves of the disbelevers! Nabi SAW said: "A Muslim ummat is like a body. If one part aches, the others will too"

So I'm pleading to all my brothers and sisters in Islam, let us all stand together, love and support one another and hope that Allah Ta'ala will grant genuine faith and Imaan. Ameen!

( Binti Hasan Hussein)

Monday, 20 April 2009

SpReAD LoVe...!!!


Nabi SAW once mentioned, "A Mukmin is a place of love and there is no khair (goodness) in a person who does not have love and is not loved by others."

In another hadith, Nabi SAW has mentioned, "You will never enter Jannah unless you have Imaan, and you will not have Imaan unless you love each other. Should I tell you of an act which will create love between you? ....... Spread salam amongst you!" (Muslim)

To have mutual love among the Muslims is such a strongly recommended act that Nabi SAW has even linked it with Imaan and entry into Jannah.

So here in this hadith Nabi SAW has mentioned one method of creating love between each other which we should try and practice i.e. "Spreading Salam"

In yet another incident Nabi SAW advised Hadrat Annas RA with the following:
" O my beloved child, if you are capable of spending each morning and evening with out having any hatred for anyone in your heart, you should do so, for that is from my sunnah. Whoever loves my sunnah loves me and whoever loves me will be with me in Jannah. (Tirmizi)

May Allah Ta'ala grant the Muslims the ability to keep a clean heart, remove all hatred from it, love one another, no matter who the next person is. It is the Imaan in the hearts of the Muslims that is of value and that demands love.

" Oh Our Lord, please do not place the feeling of hatred for the Muslims into our hearts! ~Ameen~
[Binti Abdul Ghaffar]

Amalkan Keseluruhan Agama


Sesetengah orang menganggap agama hanyalah mengucap dua kalimah syahadah ataupun perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan AQIDAH. Tetapi, secara amnya, orang Islam sedar bahawa IBADAH juga adalah sebahagian daripada agama. Tanpa ibadah, agama seseorang itu tidak akan sempurna.

Ramai pula di kalangan ummat Islam yang mengambil berat tentang aqidah dan ibadah, namun mereka tidak mempedulikan urusan jual beli ataupun MUA'MALAH mereka. Adakah pendapatan mereka dari sumber yang halal? Sudahkah mereka tunaikan hak-hak majikan mereka? Adakah mereka menzalimi hak-hak pekerja mereka? Adakah urusan pinjam dan hutang mereka berlandaskan syariah?Sedikit sahaja yang mengambil berat tentang urusan aqidah, ibadah dan mu'amalah.

Lebih sedikit dari tu adalah mereka yang mengambil berat tentang AKHLAQ mereka. Adakah amalan-amalan mereka bebas dari sifat ujub, takabbur, hasad , marah dan sebagainya. Berapa banyakkah sifat mahmudah / terpuji yang sudah tersemai di dalam jiwanya? Sabar, syukur, tawakal, tawadhu' dan sebagainya.

Ada segelintir yang sangat penyabar, bersyukur, rendah diri, tidak hasad dan sombong. Namun pergaulan dengan masyarakat sekeliling tidak menepati ADAB yang digariskan oleh syarak. Adab makan, tidur, bercakap, berjalan, ziarah, menulis dan sebagainya.

Hanya apabila seseorang itu menitik beratkan kelima-lima cabang syariat itu sahaja dia dikira sebagai mengamalkan KESELURUHAN agama. Firman Allah SWT " Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam secara menyeluruh"
[ Moulana Firdaus]

Bagaimana Hendak Memahami Agama


Suatu petang, pak cik Abdul Razak balik rumah dari kerja dalam keadaan yang sangat letih. Sambil duduk diatas kerusi, dia berkata kepada anaknya Azlan, "Lan, tolong ambilkan air".
Sebagai seorag anak soleh yang memahami keadaan ayahnya, Azlan terus ke dapur dan membawa segelas air sejuk untuk menghilangkan dahaga ayahnya.

Pada keesokan harinya, selepas sahaja balik dari sembahyang di surau, pak cik Abdul Razak sedar bahawa keretanya kotor. Sambil menyingsing lengan bajunya, dia berkata kepada anaknya " Lan, tolong ambilkan air". Kali ini, Azlan tidak ke dapur untuk mengambil segelas air, sebaliknya dia datang membawa sebaldi air.

Walaupun kata-kata yang diluahkan adalah sama, namun hanya seseorang yang menyedari konteks sebenar sahaja dapat memahami sesuatu luahan.

Begitu juga dengan para Sahabat, Tabi'in dan Tabi' Tabi'in, tiga jenis kurun yang digelar oleh Nabi SAW sebagai KHAIRUL KURUN - kurun yang baik. Mereka faham Al-Quran dan Hadith dalam konteksnya yang sebenarnya. Bagi kita di zaman mutaakhir ini, kefahaman yang betul masih lagi boleh diperolehi dengan mengahadiri majlis-majlis ilmu para ulama' yang telah menerima ilmunya dengan sanad ( salasilah ilmu) yang tidak terputus hingga kepada mereka di kurun yang terbaik.
Semoga Allah menyemarakkan lagi majlis seperti ini, yang merupakan sumber ilmu yang tulen.
[ Moulana Umair]

Menghidupkan Zulhijjah


Bulan Zulhijjah ialah bulan terakhir dalam kalender Islam. Dari segi bahasa, ianya bermaksud 'bulan haji' kerana kewajiban haji ditunaikan pada bulan ini. Rentetan itulah, bulan ini agak istimewa berbanding dengan bulan-bulan yang lain.

Bulan ini juga mempunyai banyak kelebihannya tersendiri seperti yang diterangkan dalam banyak hadith. Antaranya ialah kelebihan 10 hari pertama bulan Zulhijjah. Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud ".....Sesiapa yang berpuasa pada salah satu daripada hari-hari tersebut (10 hari pertama Zulhijjah) adalah seumpama berpuasa sepanjang tahun, beribadat pada salah satu daripada malam-malam tersebut adalah seumpama beribadat di malam Lailatul-Qadar" (Tirmizi)

Selain itu, 9 Zulhijjah dikenali sebagai "Yaumul A'rafah" (hari a'rafah) yang mana ianya mempunyai kelebihan tersendiri. Berpuasa pada hari A'rafah telah ditekankan oleh Nabi SAW sebagai mustahab ( sunnatyang digalakkan). Berdasarkan sebuah hadith, berpuasa pada hari tersebut akan menjadi sebab pengampunan dosa yang dilakukan sepanjang tahun.

Bersesuaian dengan bulan yang mulia ini, marilah kita sama-sama hidupkan bulan ini dengan penuh keimanan, ketaqwaan, pengorbanan dan amal-amal yang soleh.
[Ustaz Abdul Qadir]

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Siapakah Yang Lebih Berharga?

Mulla Nasruddin tidak sedikitpun menunjukkan perasaan sedih ketika isterinya meninggal dunia. Tetapi apabila keldainya mati, reaksinya seolah-olah dia telah hilang segala-galanya.
Dia tidak dapat melupakan peristiwa itu untuk beberapa hari.
Berasa pelik, kawannya bertanya " Mulla, apabila isteri kamu meninggal dunia, kamu tidak pun menunjukkan perasaan sedih. Tetapi apabila keldai kamu mati, mengapa kamu sangat sedih? "
"Ah! " keluh Mulla. " Apabila isteri saya meninggal kawan dan keluarga saya semuanya memujuk saya dengan berkata " Jangan bersedih, kami akan kahwinkan kamu dengan seorang perempuan lain yang baik". Tetapi, apabila keldai saya mati, tiada seoran pu yang datang dan berkata, " Kami akan dapatkan untuk kamu seekor keldai yang baik" Macam mana aku tak sedih?"
MORAL: Tunjukkan rasa simpati walaupun untuk perkara yang kecil.
[Penterjemah: Mohd Hafiz Abd Mutallib]

Terima Kasih


Kadang-kadang apabila seseorang itu menerima kopiah dari Mekkah sebagai hadiah, betapa gembira dan berterima-kasihnya dia terhadap tuan haji yang budiman. Selepas sahaja mengucapkan terima kasih di masjid, disusuli pula dengan sms yang mengatakan betapa beliau menghargai hadiah tersebut.
Begitulah tindak balas kita terhadap budi baik yang diberi secara percuma, walaupun nilai hadiah tersebut tidaklah seberapa.Bagaimanakah pula tindak balas kita terhadap Allah swt yang telah memberikan kita sebiji kepala? Tanpa kepala kopiah yang mahal dan cantik pun tidak dapat dipakai.
Nikmat Allah swt tidak berakhir disitu sahaja. Kepala yang Allah swt kurniakan pun bukannya kosong. Diisikannya pula otak. Otak yang dikurniakannya, tidak pula dibiarkan manusia memasangnya sendiri, bahkan ianya dipasang oleh Allah swt dengan skru yang tidak terlalu ketat juga tidak terlalu longgar.
Skru yang terlalu ketat boleh merosakkan alat. Dan jika longgar pula nanti dikatakan " skru sudah longgar...".

Jika hendak dikira nikmat yang Allah limpahkan keatas kita, maka tidak akan terkira.
Soalnya, sudahkah kita berterima kasih pada Allah diatas nikmat yang diberikan? Berapa kali terlintas dihati kita, yang kita sangat berhutang budi dengan Zat yang Maha Pemurah dan Pengampun itu?

Sebutlah ALHAMDULILLAH , Segala puji hanya layak bagiMu wahai Tuhan yang Maha Agung!
[Moulana Umair]

Meyakini Kehidupan Akhirat


Kehidupan di akhirat adalah satu kehidupan yang berkekalan dan tiada kesudahan. Untuk menjadi mukmin yang sejati, meyakini tentang adanya hari akhirat adalah antara enam rukun Iman yang perlu diperkukuhkan.
Dalam sebuah hadith yang diriwayatkan daripada Hadrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattab RA, beliau mendengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: Barangsiapa yang mati dalam keadaan beriman kepada Allah swt dan hari akhirat, akan dikatakan kepadanya, "Masuklah kedalam syurga dari mana-mana lapan pintu syurga yang kamu kehendaki".
Antara perkara-perkara yang termasuk dalam keyakinan terhadap hari akhirat ialah meyakini bahawa adanya:

1- Kehidupan selepas mati.
2- Hari kebangkitan
3- Penghisaban
4- Titian sirat
5- Syurga
6- Neraka

Dalam menerangkan perkara-perkara ini, banyak ayat-ayat suci Al-Quran dan Hadith Nabawi yang menggambarkan setiap situasi tersebut. Tujuan Allah dan RasulNya membentangkan gambaran tersebut adalah supaya ummat manusia dapat meyakini bahawa wujudnya satu kehidupan yang semua manusia akan lalui.
Dalam satu riwayat, seorang sahabat yang tua telah menghadiri majlis Nabi SAW bersama sahabat-sahabat yang lain. Ketika itu Nabi SAW sedang membaca sepotong ayat Al-Quran yang bermaksud: " Wahai orang -orang yang beriman peliharalah diri kamu dan ahli keluarga kamu dari api neraka yang bahan bakarnya daripada manusia dan batu-batu". Sahabat tua tadi bertanya kepada Nabi SAW adakah batu-batu di neraka sebesar batu-batu di dunia?
Nabi SAW menjawab: "Demi Dia yang nyawaku ditanganNya, sesungguhnya batu-batu di neraka adalah lebih besar daripada semua gunung-gunung di dunia ini".
Mendengar akan jawapan Nabi SAW tadi sahabat tua itu terus pengsan dan Nabi SAW telah meletakkan tangannya diatas dada sahabat tadi serta mentalkinkannya. Sejurus selepas itu, sahabat tadi pun meninggal dunia. Nabi SAW telah mengkhabarkan kepada sahabat yang lain bahawa dia adalah ahli syurga!

Begitulah keadaan para sahabat. Berita akhirat yang didengari dianggap sebagai sebagai satu realiti dan bukanlah khayalan semata-mata.

Persoalannya, sejauh manakah keyakinan kita terhadap adanya hari akhirat dan apakah amalan serta tindak tanduk kita di dunia ini dapat membina kehidupan kita yang berkekalan di akhirat nanti?
[Ustaz Abdul Kadir]

Kesucian Al-Quran


Pada suatu hari, Khalifah Umar Bin Abdul Aziz telah mengadakan sidang para ulama. Salah seorang daripada tetamu yang hadir ialah seorang ulama Yahudi. Selepas tamat persidangan tersebut, Umar RA telah mendakwahnya kepada Islam, tetapi dia enggan.
Setahun kemudian, dia telah datang kembali untuk memeluk Islam. Umar RA bertanya kepadanya mengenai kelewatannya memeluk Islam. Beliau berkata " Saya adalah seorang yang pandai menulis. Saya telah menulis kitab Injil mengikut akal fikiran saya dan mengubahnya mengikut selera saya. Kemudian saya telah menjualnya. Ajaib! Kitab yang saya tulis laris dijual.
Demikian juga, saya telah menulis kitab Taurat dan mengubahnya mengikut selera saya. Sekali lagi saya telah menjualnya dan telah mendapat keuntungan yang besar. Apabila saya mengarang Al-Quran dan menokok tambah ayat-ayatnya dan cuba menjualnya, tiada siapa yang ingin membelinya. Dari sini saya meyakini bahawa Al-Quran itu dari Allah swt.
[ Moulana Firdaus ]