Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Fear Allah Wherever You Are!

( Ad-Durr ul-Manthur )

Once Hadrat Abdullah ibni Umar ra was travelling out of Madinah. A few servants accompanied him. At the time of meal, they sat down to eat. A shepherd, grazing his sheep, passed by. Ibn Umar ra invited him for meal. He said "I'm fasting"

Ibni Umar ra remarked, "You're fasting whereas it is such a hot day? Hot wind s are blowing and you are in the dessert!" He answered, " I'm making valuable my life of this world"

There after Ibn Umar ra tested him, " Do you wish to sell a goat? We'll pay you it's price. After slaugtering we will give you some meat that you can eat for iftar (breaking fast). The shepherd said "These goats are not mine.These are my master's goats."

Ibn Umar ra said "How will your master know? Tell him a wolf ate it." The sheperd pointed to the sky and exclaimed " فأين الله ? ' (where has Allah gone?) Ibn Umar ra in astonishment and with relish continously repeated " A shepherd has said فأين الله ? فأين الله ?

The Sick Lion

Mufeedut Taalibin
A lion, no longer able to get food by force, determined to do so by cunning. He lay down inside a cave and pretended to be sick, and when any other animals came into the cave to inquire about his health, he pounced on the them and ate them.
Many lost their lives, till one day a fox came and suspecting the truth, called the lion from outside instead of going in. The fox asked " How are you oh Leader Of The Wild?" The lion said that he was very ill. "But....."said the lion, "why do you stand outside?"
"I would have not done so...." answered the fox, " If I hadn't seen all the footprints leading into the cave but none coming out".
MORAL : Be observant and intelligent in order to be successful!

The Stingy Man

Translated by: Ato Farok (Student)

Once a visitor came to a stingy man while there was a loaf of bread and a bowl of honey infront of him. The stingy man took away the bread and intented to take away the honey but he thought that the visitor would not eat the honey without bread.
So he said to the visitor, " Do you think you'll eat the honey without the bread?"
The visitor replied "Yes", and he started to partake one spoon of honey after another.
The stingy man said, " By Allah my brother! Don't you know that a lot of honey can burn the heart?"
The visitor replied, " You're right, but not my heart, your heart".

MORAL : Stingyness is a disgraceful trait!

Friday, 1 May 2009

Rasulullah Seorang Remaja

Imam Hakim telah meriwayatkan satu hadith sahih dimana Rasulullah SAW menceritakan perihal kehidupan remaja Baginda. Sabda Baginda SAW : 

" Hanya dua kali pernah ku cuba untuk melakukan perkara yang biasanya dilakukan pada zaman Jahiliyah. Pada kedua-dua kalinya Allah swt telah menyekat aku daripada melakukannya.
Pada suatu malam, aku telah menyuruh sahabatku untuk menjaga kambing-kambingku supaya dapat aku pergi ke kota Mekah dan berbual mesra di waktu malam seperti para pemuda lain. Tibanya aku di kota Mekah, aku dapati di rumah yang pertama irama musik sedang didendangkan. Lalu aku pun bertanya "Apakah ini?" Jawab mereka, " Perkahwinan sedang berlangsung". Aku pun duduk untuk mendengar. Akan tetapi Allah swt telah menutup telingaku, lantas aku tertidur hingga ke siang. Aku pun kembali kepada sahabatku dan menceritakan kepadanya apa yang telah berlaku.
Pada malam yang lain, aku pergi lagi ke kota Mekah atas tujuan yang sama. Sekali lagi aku alami seperti peristiwa malam yang pertama. Selepas itu, aku tidak lagi cuba untuk melakukan perkara yang buruk."

Sebagai seorang manusia, Rasulullah saw mempunyai keinginan untuk berseronok seperti remaja-remaja lain, akan tetapi Allah swt telah menyelamatkan Baginda saw daripada keseronokan yang melalaikan. Sebagai gantinya, Allah swt telah mengurniakan Baginda saw keseronokan yang tiada tolok bandingnya....
kemanisan iman dan kenikmatan beribadat !
Begitu juga setiap orang yang menahan diri dari mengikut keinginan yang salah. Firman Allah swt dalam surah Ar-Rahman ayat 46: " Dan disediakan bagi mereka yang takutkan hari berdirinya mereka dihadapan Allah, dua Syurga"
Syurga di dunia dan syurga di akhirat....
(Moulana Umair)