Thursday, 1 December 2011


Madrasah cum Surau Al Hikmah

Inside view of Madrasah,, classes section on the 2nd floor

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Why Should I Learn Islam?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمة للعالمين وعلى آله و اصحابه ومن والاه بإحسان إلى يوم الدين أما بعد

Our topic today is indeed a very vast one. I’lm or in English, knowledge. So, we are going to talk about knowledge and education from the Islamic perspective. It’s impossible to enlist all the virtues and discuss all aspects of knowledge in 30 minutes, InsyaAllah I will try my best to concise all important points. More importantly, we should here with the intention of learning and practicing on whatever we hear, even if it is only 1 thing.

يَرْفَعِ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا مِنْكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ
"Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have knowledge, to high ranks".

In other words, Allah will raise the status, the rank of the believers and the people of knowledge. Allah Ta’ala by His infinite mercy has chosen a group from His entire creation and granted them the gift of Imaan. And HE then specially chose another group from among the believers to grant them the gift of I’lm/knowledge and hikmah / wisdom. As Muslims, our goal in life should be, "I want to go to Jannah, I want to be among the ‘faaizoon’ (successful ones). Allah says in His noble Qur’an;

لا يستوي اصحاب النار و اصحاب الجنة اصحاب الجنة هم الفائزون
“Not equal are the companions of the Fire and the companions of Paradise. The companions of Paradise are the truly successful ones.”

But…"Is it easy to achieve Jannah?" Ever notice how easy it is for some to get up in the middle of the night and perform Salat-ul-Tahajjud, while for some it is hard to even perform the fardz solah? Have you ever seen how easy it is for our Hafizul-Qur’an brothers and sisters to memorize the whole Qur’an by heart while others memorize the latest songs in the market? Have you ever seen how easy it is for some of the students of knowledge to study Qur’an and Hadeeth for hours and hours, whilst others cannot even open the Qur’an or Hadeeth at least once a month or once a year? Subhanallah, do ever wonder what made it so EASY for them to practice Islam and to be so focused on the right direction to Jannah? The answer to that is; the Prophet (saws) has left with us a very small key to Jannah, which we Muslim’s today have become oblivious of. Just like you need a key to open your car door, or house door, or office door; similarly you need a key to open Jannah. What is this key? Prophet Muhammad (saws) said:

من سلك طريقاً يبتغي فيه علماً سهل الله له طريقاً إلى الجنة
"Whoever goes down a path/road searching for Knowledge, Allah will make it easy for him the road to Paradise." 
[Saheeh Muslim, Vol.3 Hadith No. 99]

The hadeeth was narrated by Abu Dardaa’ (r.a) when someone came to him all the way from Madeenah to Damascus with the sole purpose of learning just ONE hadith. Abu Dardaa’ was very surprised and pleased so he gave him glad tiding that Allah will ease his way to Jannah.

Knowledge is the ROAD to Paradise. In this world it will benefit us, and in the hereafter too. One simple example, Islam does not only teach us to perform our solah, fast, pay zakat and go for Haj. But! Islam also teaches us to give forgive, to be humble and to give sedekah. What do we know about the reward for forgiving another person? One hadith is recorded in Sahih Muslim that; “If one gives charity it does not diminish his wealth, if one forgives, Allah bestows more honor on him, and if one humbles himself for Allah’s sake, Allah will exalt him higher.”

Superiority of an Aa’lim
There isn’t any person who can beat the superiority of an Aa’lim (learned person). The Prophet S.A.W said:

فضل العالم على العابد كفضل القمر ليلة البدر على سائر الكواكب
"The eminence on an Aa’lim over a devout worshipper is that of the full moon over the stars."

Imagine, looking at a full moon in the sky,the moon shines brighter than all the stars. A person who seeks knowledge shines just as bright in the eyes of Allah Ta’ala and the Malaaikah! 

Do we know of anyone who is granted the privilege to walk on the wings of the Malaai’kah, wings of the purest and most obedient creation of Allah? Once, Hadrat Safwan bin A’ssaal came to him to seek knowledge, he said to Rasulullah (S.A.W): اني جئت اطلب العلم
Rasulullah (S.A.W) honored him and said:

"Welcome to the seeker of knowledge!
Indeed the Angels cover the seekers of knowledge by their wings
and they gather one upon another until they fill the space between that student and the sky of the earth
for the love of the knowledge which is being sought." (Tabraani)

Dear mothers and sisters, from now, we get up every morning with a purpose: to seek Jannah by seeking Knowledge! For the pleasure of Allah, let us become lovers and seekers of knowledge because Knowledge is Light. Beneficial knowledge is something that helps us to improve the quality of our Solah and teaches us to have good character with other people thereby gaining reward from Allah Ta'ala. For example, learning Arabic helps us to understand the words of Qur'an-ul-Kareem.

We should always remember that, Syaitan made a promise to Allah Ta’ala that he will most definitely mislead human beings using every possible way. His mission starts from the moment a baby is born, and he won’t stop nor give up until he dies. Think about this, Syaitan doesn't mislead us to make wrong calculation in Math or Science experiment. Let's take one simple practical example to illustrate this point. When we culculate, 2 + 2, the answer every one comes up with is 4, right? Shaytan never bothers us, he never whispers to us…and says that “No…2 + 2 is 3!"

Where Syaitan always and will forever deviate us is in our LIFE. Syaitan confuses our minds and clouds our path towards Allah with every possible mean. Once, Imam ar-Rabbani (rahmatullahi alaih) after a short period of entering the toilet, he knocked the toilet’s door to call his servant. The servant ran by thinking that he probably forgot to prepare the water and rag for cleaning. Imam ar-Rabbani opened the door a little bit and handed his clothe to the servant and told him, “Deliver this clothe to such and such person as a gift.” The servant asked in confusion, “O’ my master! Wouldn’t it be better if you would order this thing after you get out of the toilet? Why did you put yourself into this much of trouble?” The “Imam” replied. “Giving my dress to that poor person as a gift crossed my mind in the toilet. I was afraid that if I’d delay until I get out of the toilet, shaytan would probably give me evil suggestion ‘Waswasa’ so that I would give up doing that good deed.” Knowledge is the weapon against the deceptions of Syaitan.

Sadly, our time is referred to as the worst of era. The time of the Prohet (S.A.W) and his companions was the best era, then the time of the Tabi’een followed by the Tabi’ Tabi’een’s. As we all can see, more and more of our youngsters are drifting away from Islam. We see the fathers and the grandfathers filling up the rows at the masjid during Ramadhan performing Taraweeh solah. We see the mothers and the grandmothers sitting in groups doing Tadarus. Alhamdulillah! But where do we find our youngsters?
Respected mothers and sisters,

Jannah is not only for the ‘warga emas’, for fathers and grandfathers, for mothers and grandmothers, Jannah is also for our YOUNGSTERS to achieve! Rasulullah (S.A.W) said:

سبعة يظلهم الله يوم لا ظل إلا ظله إمام عدل شاب نشأ في عبادة الله
“There are 7 persons whom Allah will cover with His shade on the day when there will be no shade but His. 1) A just ruler (2) A youngster who grows up worshiping Allah” (part of a long hadith)

We know that young age is a time desires are more, mind is rebellious, and temptation of Shaytan at it's maximum. But if he/she is willing to suppress those desires and sacrifice the fun which other people are enjoying, and commit himself to seeking knowledge of Islam, it is as if, he/she is growing up in the worship of Allah, and Allah Ta’ala promised a special rank for this youth. Subhanallah! However, it is how one Malay proverb goes: “Tak kenal maka tak cinta”. Without properly being taught about Islam, how are they going to truly recognise and love Allah and Islam?

As Muslims and adults, are we not going to give them the opportunity to study their own religion? Perhaps they will become good Muslims in their life!

If someone has to ask me, why do you need to learn Deen? Is there some special benefit to it? Based on my insignificant and limited experience, among many reasons, I’d give this ONE reason and that is knowledge kindles the first spark of love for Allah Ta’ala. You learn Deen, you will come to love Allah, you will come to love Rasulullah and you will come to love Islam sincerely from your heart.

When I first started my journey as a student to knowledge, I was an ignorant person. I knew that I am a Muslim, I knew that Allah is my creator and I also knew that Muhammad (S.A.W) is the messenger of Allah, but I didn’t know what I should do about it, how should I behave as a Muslim and how should I serve my creator in a way that it pleases Him. After 5 years, only then I realize that a true Muslim and Mu’min is a person who love Allah and I too want to love Allah. Allah Ta’ala described one of the qualities of true believers in the Noble Qur’an;

والذين آمنوا أشد حباً لله
But those of faith are overflowing in their love for Allah. (Suratul Baqarah : 165)

Allow me to highlight yet another important point. Travelling on the path to knowledge does require some effort, either by walking or driving along an actual road, such as going to Conferences, Conventions, going to Islamic lectures at local Masajids, attending weekend Qur’an classes/Arabic programs, or by actually dedicating 4-5 + years of your life for studying and memorizing Qur’an and Hadeeth in a proper Islamic institute because religious knowledge does not come down onto one’s head like a pear falls down from a tree. True knowledge is learned from the words, actions, behaviours of a real enlightener (Murshid/Ustaz). Learning from books will not always humble you and shock you with the reality that there’s so much knowledge out there that you’re ignorant of, and it’ll cause us to miss out on the great opportunity to sit in the company of the pious people.

And all efforts made to acquire knowledge of Islam are rewarded tremendously by Allah Ta’ala. Rasoolullah said, to Abu Dzarr (radhiallah anhu) that;

يا أبا ذر ! لان تغدو فتعلم آيةً من كتاب الله خير لك من أن تصلي مائة ركعة ، ولان تغدو فتعلم باباً من العلم عمل به أو لم يعمل خير لك من أن تصلي ألف ركعة
If he goes and learns one verse of the Qur'an, it will be more rewardable for him than praying one hundred rak'ahs of nawaafil, and that if he learns a chapter of knowledge which may or may not be applicable at that time, it is more rewardable for him than praying one thousand rak'ahs of nawaafil. 

Nabi (s.a.w) used to supplicate to Allah for beneficial knowledge, and he also sought protection from knowledge that does not benefit.
اللهم اني أعوذبك من علمٍ لا ينفع
"O Allah! I seek refuge in you from Knowledge that does not benefit.

And here I end with one last hadith of the Prophet (s.a.w);

أن استطعت أن تكون عالماً فكن عالماً ، وإن لم تكن عالماً فكن متعلماً ، وإن لم تكن 
متعلماً فأحبهم ، فإن لم تحبهم فلا تبغضهم

"If you are capable of becoming an Aa’lim (knowledgeable person), then become one. If you can,’t then
become a student of knowledge. If you still can’t do so, then have the love for the people of knowledge. But 
if you can’t even do that much, then do not hate the people of knowledge".

May Allah Ta’ala accept all of us to seek knowledge of Islam and ease our way towards Jannah InsyaAllah.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Rich or Knowledgeable? (good story)

Once, 10 wise men came to Hadrat Ali (r.a) and posed this question: “Why is knowledge better than wealth?” Each of these men, demanded a separate answer. In return, Hadrat Ali (r.a) gave the following answers:

1. Knowledge is better because you guard wealth whereas knowledge guards you.

2. Knowledge is better because the wealthy have enemies and the learned have many friends.

3. Knowledge is better because it is a legacy bequeathed by prophets (a.s), and the wealth is a heritage of the pharaohs.

4. Knowledge is better because it increase with distribution whereas wealth decreases.

5. Knowledge is better because wealth generally brings miserliness.

6. Knowledge is better because unlike wealth, it cannot be stolen.

7. Knowledge is better because the wealthy have to give an account of their wealth on the Day of Qiyaamah.

8. Knowledge is better because it does not deteriorate, while wealth does.

9. Knowledge is better because the mind is illuminated by it, whereas wealth tarnishes it.

10. Knowledge is better than wealth because the pharaohs, the wealthy and the disbelievers claimed divinity on account of wealth.

The important role of mother in child education

A mother has significant, basic role in education. This is evident in the following points:

1. The family influence in education
-The family is the first tier in the process of social upbringing. It is the family that instil in the child the standard by which he or she judges everything he or she later receives from all social institutions.

2. The child is influenced by mother’s condition at pregnancy
-The mother dominates a stage of the child’s life all by herself with nobody else sharing her role. An embryo in its mother’s womb is influenced by several things. One of these things is nourishment. The type of food an embryo received from its mother affects it in various ways.

3. A mother’s role in early childhood
-Early childhood is a very important state in the raising of the child, and the role of the mother at that stage is greater than of anybody else. While the baby is still nursing, she has the greatest contact with it. For a great purpose that Allah Ta’ala made, the only nourishment of the baby at this stage is by nursing from it’s mother.

4. A mother’s role with her daughters
-If a mother is the closest person to children in their early childhood, this closeness is greater and continues longer in the case of daughters. It is very necessary for a mother to live with her daughters and be close to them. A girl is more likely to be open with her mother than her father. It is necessary for the mother to fill the emotional void her daughters suffer from.

5. A Mother Should Know the Private Details in the Life of Her Children
-A mother takes care of the clothes of her children and the housework of the house, as well as intimate details that concern her children. A mother represents one half of the household, and a father can by no means meet the full responsibility of raising his children. Nor can the school alone have the full responsibility. The combine efforts of all concerned parties should work in harmony towards the same end.

Seek Jannah by Seeking Knowledge

The goal in our life should be, "I want to go to Jannah (Paradise)." It should be written in bold letters so that it serves a constant reminder for us. Prophet Muhammad (saw), who is the best of the creation, said," Whoever goes down a path/road searching for Knowledge, Allah Ta’ala will make easy for him the road to Paradise." [Saheeh Muslim, Vol.3 Hadith No. 99]

The Prophet (saw) did not leave behind any money, rather his inheritance was Deeni (Islamic) knowledge. The high status of knowledge has been established very strongly in Islam through explicit texts in the Qur'an and the Hadith as well as in the writings of the scholars of Islam. Allah Ta’ala said in Surat Al-Mujadalah, Ayah 11:

يَرْفَعِ اللهُ الَّذِينَ ءامَنُوا مِنكُمْ وَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْعِلْمَ دَرَجَاتٍ

“Allah Ta’ala raises the ranks of those among you who believe and those who were granted the knowledge”.

The Prophet (saw), in his hadith related by at-Tirmizi, said:

فَضْلُ العالِمِ على العابدِ كفَضْلِي على أدناكُم

“The virtue of the scholar over the worshiper is like my status over the status of the lowest Muslim”. The difference in virtues between the Prophet and the lowest Muslim is extremely great and likewise is the difference between the scholar and the worshiper.

Travelling on the path to knowledge refers both to walking or driving along an actual road/pathway, such as going to Conferences, Conventions and going to local Masajid whenever there is a scholar speaking. Searching also entails a metaphysical road, such as studying and memorising Qur’an and Hadeeth. Not merely memorising it, but also understanding it and then acting in accordance to it.

Knowledge brings a great reward. The one who points the way to some thing good is like the one who does it. When the knowledgeable person dies, his reward with Allah Ta’ala does not cease when he dies, rather it continues to increase so long as people benefit from his knowledge. The Prophet (saw) said: “When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three things: an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous child who will pray for him”. (Muslim)

Knowledge is the ROAD to Paradise, and Islam is the vehicle that takes you to this destination of Paradise. Just like you get in a car to go from one destination to another, but how? By finding out the directions to get there, either by seeing a map or asking someone. Similarly, our Qur’an and Hadeeth are our maps, and our scholars are the people who give the directions from this map to get to our ultimate destination, Paradise.

In conclusion, we need to get our "cars" (Islam) fixed and focused on the right direction to our destination of Paradise. We need to pick up the "maps" (Qur’an & Sunnah) and ask knowledgeable people (scholars/imams) for directions (road/path) to Paradise.
Based on the aforementioned, we should encourage each other to commit ourselves to the sessions and circles of the Islamic Knowledge, to listen, learn, comprehend and put it to practice.

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Program ended

May Allah Ta'ala reward you all for taking some time out of your busy schedule to attend our Ladies Program this year. If you missed out on anything during the program, don't worry because InsyaAllah we will be posting the summary of the : 

1) 1st Tazkirah (Iman)
2) 2nd Tazkirah (Knowledge is Light) here.

And the contents from the newsletter will also be posted here soon, specially for those who couldn't make it today, and for others too. We hope to meet everyone again next year InsyaAllah. 

Saturday, 1 October 2011


First Year's Classroom

Preparatory Year

Dining Area

Students art work

 Lockers for students personal belongings

Dorm A' s rooms

Dorm A, 2nd floor
Dorm B's Front

Dorm B's locker section

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Islamic Event in Subang Jaya

Light in Darkness

?   The soul is starving and want to feed it....
Nourish it with the fruits of knowledge for it is satisfying

?   Want to exercise our stagnant mind but do not know how....
Chase after the sublimity of knowledge for it is vast and various

?   Trapped in the deep dungeon of a murky heart....
Switch on the lantern of knowledge for it is light

?   Want to know more about knowledge, its implication and virtues....
Then meet us at our 6th Annual Ladies Program at:

Surau Al-Hikmah SMK Subang Utama SS18/4
Sunday, 2nd October 2011 
9:45 am till 12 pm

We, the community of Madrasah Al-Hikmah will be anticipating your attendance!

*Refreshments will be served
*For inquiries, please contact: 019-3170255

"The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand"

How to get here?

View Surau Al-Hikmah in a larger map

Monday, 1 August 2011

Tahfiz Course

Below is the basic curriculum outline:


First year students are required to sit in NAZIRAH class for a whole year during which they will properly concentrate on Qur'an recitation and perfecting its Tajweed. 

Students must be able to recite Qur'an with perfect fluency and Tajweed before starting their Hifz.

In the same year, they will be memorizing 4 main Surahs, namely Yaseen, Al-Mulk, As-Sajadah and Ad-Dukhan and will also study some Kitabs on Feqah and Qur'an translation. 

2nd YEAR

Students are required to memorize 5 Juz' until the end of the year.

3rd YEAR

Students are required to memorize 10 Juz' until the end of the year. 

4th YEAR

Students are required to memorize 15 Juz' until the end of the year. This year marks the completion of their memorization of entire Noble Qur'an (30 Juz').

5th YEAR

Final year will be the Shahadah year. During this one year, students will be revising the ENTIRE Qur'an as to prepare herself for the Shahadah exam.

1.                   Due to the intense requirements of Tahfīz-ul-Quran, only a full time student can enroll in this class.
2.          Applicant should be 13 years old or older.
3.                   Upon completing the course, the student will have the option of furthering her secondary education or going deeper into Islamic studies in the five years 'Aalimah Course.

See Hifz Course syllabus details here.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Tahfiz Course Syllabus

Tahfiz Class


مفتاح القرآن 
تحفة البارئ/ سفينة النجاء
حفظ الحديث
٦ صفات
Sunnats & Duas 
السنة والأدعية
Hand Writing 
الخط والإملاء

Jadual Sistem Hafazan Al Qur’aan Madrasah Al Hikmah

Tahun 1
Tahun 2
Tahun 3
Tahun 4
Tahun 5
Sabaq Harian
10-15 muka Tilaawat
1/2 muka
1 muka
1 ½ muka
Program Shahaadah
Target Penggal  1
IQRA’ dan 4 Surah
2 ½ Juz
5 Juz
7 ½ Juz
Target Penggal  2
3 atau 4 Khatam
2 ½ Juz
5 Juz
7 ½ Juz
Jumlah Hafalan Setahun
Yaasin, As Sajdah,
Al Mulk, Ad Dukhaan
5 Juz
10 Juz
15 Juz
Jumlah Juz Hafalan
5 Juz
15 Juz
30 Juz

Hafalan Harian
x 20 Hari
Baki 10 Hari
x 10 Bulan
Baki 2 Bulan
Tahun 2
½ mukasurat
½ Juz
Cuti Haidh dan Long Weekend
5 Juz
Cuti Madrasah
(6 minggu) dan Imtihaan/Ulangan
Tahun 3
1 mukasurat
1 Juz
10 Juz
Tahun 4
1 ½ mukasurat
1 ½ Juz
15 Juz

  1. Pelajar tidak akan memulakan hafalan Al-Quran sepanjang tahun pertama.
  2.   Pelajar dikehendaki mengkhatamkan bacaan Al Qur’aan sekurangnya 3 kali bagi memantapkan bacaan bertajwid dan memudahkan proses hafazan pada tahun berikut.
  3. Pelajar yang gagal mecapai target yang telah ditetapkan tidak akan dibenarkan pulang pada hari cuti.